A new website that takes you on a journey!

Voyages Récréation Urbaine is an agency specializing in organizing school trips in Canada and the United States, as well as group travel for those aged 50 and over in Quebec. Their mission? To offer their clients unforgettable and customized experiences. With their website having security vulnerabilities and not being mobile-friendly, they reached out to us for a complete redesign.

Client since 2021

A website redesign that highlights their tourism services

We were tasked with highlighting the tourism services offered to cater to the two types of clientele of the company, while providing a better browsing experience for website users.


Highlighting a product or service

We were tasked with completely revising the website’s structure to showcase their expertise and the destination for each target clientele group. Our experts then crafted targeted content to optimize the company’s visibility. We redesigned the site to make it more user-friendly and intuitive, and adapted it for mobile devices.

Adding a feature

We facilitated contact by adding a clickable submission button at the top of the website. The Voyages Récréation Urbaine site is now ready for a new takeoff!