A website redesign to support the brand image and reputation of CMP Assurances

CMP Assurances, also known as Courtiers Multi Plus Assurances, began its journey in 1937 and is now the result of a three-generation family tradition. Serving Montreal and its surrounding areas, the company has nearly 40 damage insurance brokers for individuals and businesses. The firm’s impartiality allows it to offer clients coverage that meets their needs and realities. As a member of the Regroupement des cabinets de courtage d’assureurs du Québec, CMP Assurances provides a 24-hour emergency service related to claims, ensuring exceptional service for its clients.

Client since 2016

A website that meets the web visibility and positioning goals of CMP Assurances

CMP Assurances’ website was no longer meeting the company’s communication needs. The company therefore turned to our agency to create a website that represents their brand image and supports their reputation. The result: a website that reflects CMP Assurances and features content that can be easily updated!

The objectives

Brand positioning

Our strategic team focused on their services offer to propose a new site structure, a simplified navigation, and a modern design, all integrated into a mobile-friendly website. The content was also revised to reflect the firm’s professionalism. Combining user-friendliness and efficiency, our content management system was the obvious choice to allow them to update the website content as they wish.

Optimising SEO

To support the firm’s reputation, our communication expert wrote the website content using relevant keywords to ensure good search engine rankings.